Monday, January 28, 2008



What is progeria??????
  • Progeria is an “accelerated aging disease”
  • Causes physical changes
  • Affect 1 in 4 million (actual) and 1 in 8 million (reported) newborns
  • Not caused by defective DNA repair
  • It’s mutation not due to heredity

History of progeria??????
  • First discovered by Jonathan Hutchinson in 1886 and Hastings Gilford.
  • There have been over 100 cases of Progeria reported.
(Jonathan Hutchinson)

Causes of progeria??????
  • Develops during cell division in the gametes.
  • Caused by mutation in Lamin A protein on chromosome 1.
  • Lamin A defects contribute to normal aging.

    • Progeria is an “accelerated aging disease”
    • The word Progeria came from a Greek word means ‘prematurely old’
    • Causes physical changes
    • Affect 1 in 4 million (actual) and 1 in 8 million (reported) newborns
    • Not caused by defective DNA repair
    • It’s mutation not due to heredity


  • There is currently no treatment for this disease.
  • patients usually live about 13 years.